Wednesday, January 27, 2016

God's there, waiting....

Do you hear God speaking to you?
Do you hear His whispers as you go about your business?
Do you feel that nudge to open your bible?
Do you feel God pushing you to do something? 

There are many times, myself that I have been in these situations and failed to listen and do what the Lord wanted me to do. So what do you do when you are just too busy, have other plans or you're just too selfish to react to His words?  Just stop what you're doing. Listen. Separate yourself from the distractions of the world. Go in your prayer closet. Just pick up the bible. Just talk to the Lord. He ALWAYS listens. He IS waiting on you. Waiting for your first step. 

You just want everything to be taken care of. You want to be healed, you want peace, you want to succeed, you want out of debt, you want salvation for your family, you want a job or a new job, you want a relationship put back together or you're looking for love and you're just tired, emotionally, mentally and physically. Some of you just want to get up and leave. And sadly, some just want to give up. God doesn't want us to live a miserable life, Satan does! The enemy is hard at work on God's children and the unsaved too. It is time to put an end to the enemies schemes. You will NOT be defeated! 

The Lord has truly wanted me to share this with you and to those who needed to hear this. You are worth more than anything beyond your imagination to God. You are precious to Him.  He truly wants the best for you. He hurts for you. Jesus died for you. He has went through everything unimaginable for you. He loves you.

He's waiting for you.

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